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Uniquely designed, this acrylic hanging ornament features a charming scene combined with a Christmas element that shows a heartwarming image of family spending time together. With the addition of "The Love Between A Mother And Children" and a personalized message, it will be a special keepsake that celebrates the everlasting love between mom and children.
This acrylic hanging ornament is made from high-quality materials and offers a smooth surface. The design is beautiful, The clear and vibrant image ensures that every detail of information is beautifully preserved. The round pendant is more simple, safe and without edges, more suitable for kids.
Este adorno está diseñado para ser ligero y fácil de manejar, por lo que resulta cómodo de llevar y exponer. A pesar de su ligereza, también es muy duradero, por lo que resiste el desgaste diario. Cuélguelo en el árbol de Navidad, muéstrelo en una repisa o estante, o incluso utilícelo como centro de mesa para una ocasión especial.
With its Christmas-inspired design, this personalized acrylic hanging ornament makes for a thoughtful and meaningful gift, you can customize it with your family's name to create a one-of-a-kind gift. Whether it's for your family, friends, or other special person, this unique keepsake will warm their hearts.
Material: Acrílico
Diámetro del adorno: 3"(7.62cm)
Grosor del adorno: 01"(0.3cm)
Peso: 15g
Area Personalizada: Impresión UV a una cara